White Sage ~ Natural Glycerin Soap~ Bar
White Sage Natural Glycerin Soap
Made from pure vegetable glycerin this soap is moisturizing (naturally) to your skin. Wonderful for folks with sensitive skin or allergies. We use pure essential oils to scent them but they are also available Unscented!
All our Bodycare Products use the finest quality Essential Oils and we've done so for over 18 years!
Glycerin soaps need a little care so thay can last longer, be sure they drain dry between uses. If they sit in a dish that collects water they will melt so a draining dish is in order!
Unlike hard soaps glycerin is very gentle to the skin. And men if you've got a sensitive face when shaving these soaps are excellent for shaving with, no more burn or rash!
We can create any scent of combination a few we always offer are Cedar, Champa, Desert Sage, Frankincense, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Sweet Grass and Patchouli.
Please visit us at www.essencialdreams.com
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