NOTICE THIS IS A PRE SALE...These will ship in about 30 days(When they go dormant).Fall is the very very best time to plant a tree.
Your bid is for two beautiful Redbud trees,
Redbud is a small to medium-sized tree that is virtually covered with tiny purple flowers in early spring before the leaves appear.These will be 18 to 24 inches tall and shipped ready to plant.The redbud is a longtime favorite for spring color.Please visit my Ebay store for more great deals.Be sure to add me to your favorites list!Check out my other items!Be sure to add me to your favorites list!
Shipping & Feedback..First let me thank you for your interest in my products.Our goal is to give you great plants at great prices.We ship twice a week unless the weather is too extreme.We cant ship live plants if its to hot or to cold so please keep this in mind,.Please note that I ship ALL trees by USPO Priorty mail.I am sending these for 8.99 for the first tree and 5.00 each for all other trees paid for at the same time.This is rock bottom shipping cost as you can see by looking around Ebay..Please keep this in mind when you leave feedback. Ebays feedback system considers anything less than 5 stars in each Detailed Seller ratings to be NEGATIVE feedback.Please let me know BEFORE you leave anything less than a positive and 5 stars in each catagory and I will work with you to make it right!I will glady leave you POSITIVE feedback as soon as payment is recieved.Thank you!
About me:I want to assure you that I will do everything I can to see that you get healthy trees and shrubs.All trees are shhipped with roots wrapped and moist.I ship all trees by priorty mail with del conformation.If for some reason your tree dies after a couple of months(it takes that long to see if they are truly dead)I will send you a replacement free of charge as long as you pay shipping.Please contact me if theres a problem BEFORE you leave feedback...I will gladly return your positive feedback.Thank you for looking at my items and please plant a tree today!