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AUTHOR:. Frederick John Pratson
COPYRIGHT:. 1972, first edition
PUBLISHER:. Houghton Mifflin
CONDITION:. The 144 pages and hard cover are clean, bright, and unmarked. The dust jacket has taped tears. Binding is excellent.
CONTENTS:. The Sea in Their Blood, an oversize book about the fishermen, seamen and people who supply them in their lives on the salt waters of the North Atlantic. More than 100 photographs inside their homes, in their villages, on board their vessels, at work and play. The coastal people of Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and more.  
PAYMENT:. Any usual method of payment accepted. Money order or Paypal preferred. Buyer pays $ 3.75 s&h. We welcome international bidders. Shipping out of the U.S. may be more. Buy with confidence.

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