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AUTHOR:.Oliver Ellsworth Wood, Lieut.- Colonel, United States Artillery, late military attache
PUBLISHER:.Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd.
CONDITION:. The 252 pages are clean and unmarked. There are several fold-out battle maps that are on fragile paper and some have tears. The hard cover has spine chips, fading, scrapes and marks. Inside the covers are cracks to the binding. Binding is very good.
CONTENTS:.The Yalu to Port Arthur, an epitome of the first period of the Russo-Japanese war in 1904. Details of the forces on both sides, their strengths and weaknesses, armaments and troop conditions. There are not many copies of this book available. A great military collectible.
PAYMENT:. Any usual method of payment accepted. Money order or Paypal preferred. Buyer pays $ 4.75 s&h. We welcome international bidders. Shipping out of the U.S. may be more. Buy with confidence.

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