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AUTHOR:. Oscar Ojeda and James McCowan
PUBLISHER:. Rockport Publishers, Gloucester, Massachusetts.
CONDITION:. The 192 pages, hard cover and dust jacket are clean, bright, and unmarked. Binding is excellent.
CONTENTS:. Spaces, an oversize architecture book of great pictures, detailed information and much more. Pictures of works by Steven Hall, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Peter L. Gluck, Toshiko Mori, Zaha Hadid, Diane Lewis, Sam Trimble, John Pawson, and many more. Color pictures and design measurements. Original $50.00 price is still attached.
PAYMENT:. Any usual method of payment accepted. Money order or Paypal preferred. Buyer pays $ 3.75 s&h. We welcome international bidders. Shipping out of the U.S. may be more. Buy with confidence.

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