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TITLE:.Medicine's Great Journey, 100 years of healing.
AUTHOR:.Dr. Robert Coles.
PUBLISHER:.Bulfinch Press, Little, Brown.
CONDITION:. The 178 pages, hard cover and dust jacket are clean, bright, and unmarked. Binding is excellent.
CONTENTS:.Medicine's great journey, one hundred years of healing. An oversize book, many pictures, history of medicine in the 20th century. Rare pictures from inside the operating room, beside the sickbeds, on the battlefield, among the flu victims, early medical schools and much more.
PAYMENT:. Any usual method of payment accepted. Money order or Paypal preferred. Buyer pays $ 4.75 s&h. We welcome international bidders. Shipping out of the U.S. may be more. Buy with confidence. I have over 700 great books listed. Local histories, genealogy, religion, travel, crafts, how-to books, photography, memoir, biography, high school and college yearbooks, military history and actions, and much more.

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